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The Causes Of Your Stress And How To Deal With Them


Are you under a lot of stress? Several different factors can cause pressure, or anxiety, in your day to day life. 

You can suffer from different types of stress. For example, it can be wearisome when you have to deal with an increased workload in the office. You can be under a lot of tension when you've just given birth and are transitioning to parenthood. 

Sometimes, you have to deal with multiple stressors that may seem quite impossible to survive. It is during these situations that you might feel the most upset and frustrated. However, your body will respond to it by making you feel various symptoms that include extreme emotions such as depression and anger. 

Stress affects you in several ways, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Sadly, these effects come in varying intensities as well. 

Symptoms Of Stress

No one is exempted from stress or life challenges. Everyone deals with it their own way. However, when it begins to alter your life...

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Steps To Follow To Get Out Of A Funk

Everyone has their off days from time to time. It is part of human nature to feel sad once in a while. Feeling sad actually helps people balance their emotions

But if it feels like you're going to have a bad day, all you really need is a change of perspective. If you're wondering how to get out of a funk, know that it's all about the proper frame of mind. 

After all, a significant part of your happiness depends on your disposition. Your circumstances may not be something you can control, but you can definitely do something about how you address them.

The reality is pretty simple. If you want to know how to snap out of a bad mood, then you need to put a positive spin on things. Flip the switch and turn anything annoying into something remarkable. Here's how you can turn your day around and make it the best one ever. 

Step 1: You need to create your own symbol for happiness

Find something that you can associate with happiness. It has to be something...

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The Secret To Reading More Books


How many books were you able to read last year? If it's more than four or five, how did you do it? How did you digest so many new narratives in a year?

While reading for some might be a relaxing past time, it is a good source of new information and inspiration for others. Do you look forward to spending a day doing nothing but reading? It would be nice if everyone had time for a reading day, but that has become such a luxury of which very few people can take advantage. 

Developing your mental capacity to think and be creative can be done regularly through reading. With the right reading techniques and perhaps more time in your hands, you can surely keep your mind and imagination alive forever.

What's The Trick To Reading More?

Whenever you ask those who read a lot for their secrets, they will tell you the truth. It's not about the speed. When it comes to reading, it does not matter whether you have read more than a hundred books in a year or...

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Overcome Your Digital Addiction This Week

How much time do you spend with technology? If you spend at least 4 to 6 hours of your leisure time in front of your computer, tablet, or mobile phone, you are definitely hooked to digital life. Digital addiction has not only infected you, but it has affected practically everyone. The only real problem is that people who are suffering from this type of addiction are unaware that it is an actual problem. 

Did you know that overwatching television and other forms of overdependence on technology have been linked to diabetes and obesity? All that sedentary time spells terrible news for people’s health. 

Are You Addicted?

Are you one of those who laugh at the idea of digital addiction because you have always associated addiction with drugs or alcohol? In truth, a person can be addicted to practically anything. 

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are just some of the social media sites that are designed to get you hooked. They use a kind of positive reinforcement that...

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Why Single-Tasking Will Change Your Life

Everyone thinks that to be good at what they do, they have to learn to juggle several things at a time. People are moving from how to focus on one thing to how to do more than three things at the same time.

While multitasking has become part of the new norm in the workplace, experts suggest the opposite. Truthfully, people will be able to do more and produce better results if they focus only on one task at a time

People may claim to be good at multitasking. Maybe they have grown to be good at it, but is their work quality work? Or do they end up redoing several tasks? Or did they have to rethink what they did because they don't feel as satisfied? 

More than completing the task, the focus should be that it is done exceptionally well. Multi-taskers also become more stressed than those working on a single job at a time. 

The task manager's priority is always to complete something and bring about excellent results. Those who claim to be good at multitasking always...

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How To Embrace Diversity Of Thought

In the coming years, the landscape of business will change dramatically. People will make a great shift from face to face business communications to more digital interactions. Young entrepreneurs will spark innovative work with a better understanding of consumer needs. They will gain a competitive advantage over their competitors that refuse to change with the times. All these changes will not only encourage diversity but require it.

Why is diversity important? By embracing diversity and difference of thought, a business or an individual can learn more effective ways of doing things and encourages critical thinking and creativity. Diversity strategies are only successful when senior leaders choose to implement them. In order to be fully sustainable, the changes should be loved by everyone in the business community. Everyone has to learn to embrace the new normal. 

Several studies have been conducted to find the connection between productivity and diversity. Working with...

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The Secret To Staying Productive While Traveling

There is nothing more fulfilling than being able to earn money in the comfort of your own home. In this day and age, when going out can put you and your health at risk, being productive at home is one of the many gifts the digital world has provided. 

Perhaps your ideal working situation is working on your patio while getting some sun and wearing your swimsuit. Even if you don't need that type of extravagance, for every digital nomad, getting a freelance job that allows them to stay at home and still be productive is the most ideal. 

The fact that your office can be anywhere is what makes working from home even more exciting. When you work from home, you have the freedom to work wherever you want to. You can do it by the beach or perhaps in your hotel room halfway across the world. 

While professional and consistent work can still be achieved even when you are on those travel adventures, staying motivated and productive while traveling is one of the greatest...

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How To Be A Non-Procrastinator

Have you found yourself procrastinating lately? It might be comforting to know that procrastination isn't something that only humans do. After all, Newton's Law of Motion states that anything at rest will remain at rest unless compelled to move. 

If the entire universe is procrastinating, how do you determine the causes of procrastination within yourself? 

All too often, people procrastinate even if they don't need to. 

You tell yourself you need to be working. Your thoughts wander about what to eat for dinner or when you can get out of the house to pay the bills. You stop to check your social media accounts and perhaps even chat with a few friends. 

Procrastination is not just about pushing back work. It could go beyond, affecting the other parts of your life. 

In the end, you regret all the time you wasted putting off something that you could have already completed. Sometimes, the time runs out. The opportunity that slipped by makes it all the more...

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The Secret To Improving A Mindful Focus

One of the critical factors that help people become successful is their ability to focus. A person's ability to put his mind to completing a task is what allows him to succeed in his endeavors. Mindfulness activities not only teach you how to focus. They also help you achieve a total understanding of the task at hand, as well as the implication of its completion to all the other tasks you need to finish. 

Did you know that most people consider their focus as the most crucial part of their success? Without this consistent attention, they wouldn't be able to complete their responsibilities, learn from them, and perhaps even develop more efficient processes.

Focus acts as the gateway to all the thinking mechanisms that a person has. These include memory, learning, decision-making skills, and even perception. This is the reason why a person needs to increase their focus if they want to achieve success. 

Why Do You Need To Learn To Focus?

This is the...

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Overcome The Feeling Of Always Being Behind

Do you have a fear of being left behind? This fear happens every year to practically everyone. New Year's resolutions rear their ugly head, and you try to set your yearly goals, but you already feel like you haven't accomplished the goals you set for this past year. With this world based around productivity, there is a constant push of needing to move and do more. This feeling makes us feel like we are already way behind, even if we aren't.

Whenever you wake up in the morning, do you feel the slightest touch of anxiety? Do you feel the need to get up and get moving on your tasks? Do you check your mail and social media messages before you actually get out of bed?

When you're feeling behind in life, you start your day early and deal with a lot of emails, work tasks, household chores, and other things just to get ahead. With your busy schedule, you forget to take a pause and enjoy the day. Before you know it, it's nighttime. 

And although you have accomplished a lot, it still...

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